tātad - 16:00, 10. novembris. Sākums - UZVARAS PIEMINEKLIS.
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Monday, 7 November 2011
Trešdien T.Hadlstouna protestu lekcija Laikmetīgās mākslas centrā.
Trešdien, 9.novembrī, plkst 18:00, gājiena "Walk the Line" idejas autors Tobijs Hadlstouns (Toby Huddlestone; UK) sniegs lekciju Lakimetīgās mākslas centrā (Alberta iela 13). Lekcijas ietvaros mākslinieks un kurators pastāstīs par mūsdienu protestiem un to, kā un cik viegli/grūti radīt apātiju cilvēkos, kā arī iepazīstinās ar savu portfolio un jau paveiktajām sociālajām un politiskajām publiskajām akcijām.
Lekcija notiek publiskās perofrmances - gājiena - akcijas "walk the line" ietvaros. Tā ir daļa no dzīvās mākslas festivāla "Exchange Radical Moments" programmas, un Rīgā gājiens sāksies 10.novembrī, plkst 16:00 pie Brīvības pieminekļa.
(c) Tobijs Hadlstouns Rīgā, 24.martā
Thursday, 3 November 2011
"Exchange Radical Moments" intervē Tobiju Hadlstounu.
Piektajā oktobrī "Exchange Radical Moments" organizatori intervēja Tobiju Hadlstounu. Mākslinieku, kuram pieder iniciatīva par Rīgā notiekošo gājienu cauri pilsētai "Walk the Line". Piedāvājam izlasīt interviju (angliski) nedēļu pirms paša gājiena, kurš 10.novembrī, plkst. 16:00 sāksies pie Brīvības pieminekļa.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Toby Huddlestone par “Walk the Line” gājienu 10.novembrī.
Jau iepriekš minēts, ka Rīgā pie Brīvības pieminekļa, 10.novembrī, iesāksies savdabīgs flašmobs kā protests pret protestu. Dzīvās mākslas festivāla “Exchange Radical Moments” ietvaros, plkst. 16:00, visi aicināti pievienoties akcijai “Walk the Line”, kuras laikā notiks gājiens cauri pilsētai, pa pašu ceļa vidu no Brīvības pieminekļa līdz pat Uzvaras parkam. Šajā rakstā sīkāk par akcijas iniciatoru Tobiju Hadlstounu (Toby Huddlestone) un viņa idejām.
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
10.novembrī notiks publisks gājiens cauri pilsētai.
Rīgā pie Brīvības pieminekļa, 10.novembrī, iesāksies savdabīgs flašmobs kā protests pret protestu. Dzīvās mākslas festivāla “Exchange Radical Moments” ietvaros, plkst. 16:00, visi aicināti pievienoties akcijai “Walk the Line”, kuras laikā notiks gājiens cauri pilsētai, pa pašu ceļa vidu no Brīvības pieminekļa līdz pat Uzvaras parkam.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Video apathy
Here is the video version of Toby's Lecture Apathy.
Part history lesson, part political campaign, Lecture Apathy is a
lecture performance that studies a 20th Century history of
dissent/disobedience and subversion and identifies the 1990’s as the
moment where the more overt and polar version of dissent (sticking your
fingers up to authority) becomes outmoded or antiquated, which in turn
leads to the suggestion of apathy as political aggressor/voice. The
scripted performance is backed-up with fast-paced slides showing these
moments of dissent leading to images of apathy and protest apathy. The
performance becomes more apathetic as it continues towards an apolitical
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Come meet and make this project yours!
Meetings open to the public will be taking place daily in Riga from 7 November up until the moment the walk begins on 10 November, to discuss the ideas behind the walk, how you can get involved, and how you can change the idea for the work if you want to. Watch this space!
Project links: - main website for EXCHANGE RADICAL MOMENTS
Facebook page for the WALK THE LINE event - click to 'Like' and please make comments. - Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, partner organisation in Riga
Project links: - main website for EXCHANGE RADICAL MOMENTS
Facebook page for the WALK THE LINE event - click to 'Like' and please make comments. - Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, partner organisation in Riga
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Come walk the line! Democracy's here.
Dear residents of Riga,
I am an artist from the UK and coming over to Riga to make a temporary public artwork on 10.11.11 and would love you to get involved.
This is part of a large-scale public project across Europe called Exchange Radical Moments, organised by Die Fabrikanten in partnership with the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art in Riga.
The plan is to organise a walk where over 100 people walk down the middle of the road in a line between the Freedom and Victory monuments. I'm hoping to reference the most beautiful protest of all time, The Baltic Way/Chain of Freedom which ran through Riga, from Vilnius to Tallin in 1989, but also to create something new:
a new form of dissent, where there is no clear political message. Instead, there is a concentration on action, by a large group of people, hoping that the mass of people will create confidence and impact upon each individual's psychology.
It is hoped it will become a form of a freer, more democratic protest that belongs to all the participants involved, irrespective of their class, political beliefs. By concentrating on the action of just walking together, nothing specific is protested, rather just a common belief that things are not good.
As soon as you give the government, politicians or the media a reason for protest, they turn it round to what they want it to demonstrate. This time that ain't gonna happen.
So get your walking shoes on, and come for a walk, down the middle of the road on 10 November!
The walk will start from the Freedom Monument at 16:00 and we will walk to the Victory Monument.
Thank you.
Toby Huddlestone
I am an artist from the UK and coming over to Riga to make a temporary public artwork on 10.11.11 and would love you to get involved.
This is part of a large-scale public project across Europe called Exchange Radical Moments, organised by Die Fabrikanten in partnership with the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art in Riga.
The plan is to organise a walk where over 100 people walk down the middle of the road in a line between the Freedom and Victory monuments. I'm hoping to reference the most beautiful protest of all time, The Baltic Way/Chain of Freedom which ran through Riga, from Vilnius to Tallin in 1989, but also to create something new:
a new form of dissent, where there is no clear political message. Instead, there is a concentration on action, by a large group of people, hoping that the mass of people will create confidence and impact upon each individual's psychology.
It is hoped it will become a form of a freer, more democratic protest that belongs to all the participants involved, irrespective of their class, political beliefs. By concentrating on the action of just walking together, nothing specific is protested, rather just a common belief that things are not good.
As soon as you give the government, politicians or the media a reason for protest, they turn it round to what they want it to demonstrate. This time that ain't gonna happen.
So get your walking shoes on, and come for a walk, down the middle of the road on 10 November!
The walk will start from the Freedom Monument at 16:00 and we will walk to the Victory Monument.
Thank you.
Toby Huddlestone
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